+86 177 5193 6871
222, Block B, Diamond International, Guozhuang Road, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
There are many reasons for bending, including design reasons and construction reasons. The performance of the bolted ball joint space frame is more prominent.
In our country, the space frame structure has been used in industrial plants as a special research topic for ten years. In the past ten years, hundreds of thousands of square meters of industrial plant space frame structure systems have been built across the country.
Gas station canopy structure usually has a reinforced concrete structure, mesh structure, steel beam and column structure and membrane structure and other types.
The selection and construction of the space frame is an important part of the design of the space frame structure, which should be considered comprehensively according to the material supply, construction conditions and production and installation in order to achieve better technical and economic benefits.
The bolt ball space frame structure is a new type of roof load-bearing structure, which belongs to the multi-time super static space structure system, which changes the stress state of the traditional general plane space frame structure, and can bear the load force from different directions . This kind of shell-shaped space frame structure has a beautiful appearance, strong regularity between the rods, uniform and space frame, excellent integrity, large space rigidity, all rods are connected by bolts, easy to install and operate, and stable under force . The high-altitude bulk method was used for construction in a bolted ball space frame project of a chemical coal storage yard, which ensured the quality of the project and improved the construction efficiency.