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5 kinds of space frame installation methods commonly used by steel structure space frame installation companies

6 kinds of space frame installation methods commonly used by steel structure space frame installation companies

There are five common installation methods for steel structure space frame installation companies. There are mainly six common installation methods for steel structure space frame companies. They are high-altitude bulk method, block installation method, high-altitude sliding method, and overall hoisting method. , Overall lifting method, overall lifting method. Today we will briefly talk about these installation methods.

1.The high-altitude bulk method is a method of assembling small units or parts directly at the design position.

2.The block installation method refers to the installation method in which the space frame is divided into strips or block units, respectively, and hoisted by the lifting equipment to the high-altitude design position and placed in place, and then integrated into the installation method.

3.The high-altitude sliding method refers to the installation method in which the striped space frame units are individually (or one by one) sliding on the slide rail set in advance to the design position and spliced into a whole.

4.The overall hoisting method refers to the construction method in which the space frame is assembled on the ground and hoisted in place with lifting equipment. 5. The overall lifting method refers to the construction method in which lifting equipment is installed on the structural column and the net frame assembled on the ground is lifted into place.

5.The overall jacking method refers to the construction method in which the space frame is assembled into a whole on the ground at the design position, and then the net frame is lifted to the design height with a jack. Each installation method has its own characteristics, and some factors such as the construction environment on the site are required to select. When the space frame company installs the space frame, it must choose the appropriate installation method according to the actual situation.