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More and more high-speed rail stations in urban airports use steel space frame roofs

More and more high-speed rail stations in urban airports use steel space frame roofs

Nowadays, more and more urban airports and high-speed railway stations use steel structure space frame roofs. In October 2018, the steel space frame structure of the T2 terminal of Haikou Meilan International Airport in China, was completed and the roof space frame structure with a single block area of 11,000 square meters and a weight of 1,000 tons was installed in place. In January 19th, China’s Chengdu Tianfu International Airport’s first corridor roof space frame was successfully upgraded. Steel structure space frame roofs were chosen for these two airports under construction recently. The structural space frame has large space, beautiful appearance, good integrity and stability, and can satisfy various shapes. The space frame steel structure is a modern green building. During construction, the space frame construction takes a short time and has a long life span, which can save resources to the utmost extent.