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Tube truss processing: the process principle of tube truss structure station

Tube truss processing: the process principle of tube truss structure station

(1) The structure is directly in the design position, and the vertical lifting equipment and the tire frame move in one direction along the roof structure assembly direction, the roof structure is installed by sliding the tire frame and walking crane.

(2) Divide the roof steel structure into several units according to the number and grid number. The units can form a stable force system after the tire frame is removed, Under these conditions, try to reduce the number of trusses and grids per unit, but not less than two trusses or two grids.

(3) Each unit is divided into several sections according to the lifting capacity of the crane.

(4) Set the track for walking tower crane and tire frame sliding along the vertical direction of the truss.

(5) The tube truss is made according to the division of the unit to meet the assembly of all the units, the tire frame needs to be connected as a whole, the tire frame is moved to the design position of the truss unit by manual hoist pulling.

(6) The hoist travels to the nearest position of the assembly unit, hoisting the required sections to the sliding tire frame in sequence, after the unit is assembled and welded, the sliding tire frame support is removed, and the assembled unit is directly placed on the design support position.

(7) Using the chain hoist as the power source, the tire frame will be moved to the position of the next assembly unit without load through the pulley block, By adjusting and modifying the assembled tire frame of the next unit, the support direction of the grid frame is temporarily fixed to the floor or ground. The tower crane travels to the pull point of the assembly unit nearby to pull and slide at the same elevation. After the sliding unit slides to the design position, Remove the sliding track and fix the support. Assemble unit by unit and slide in pieces until the construction of the whole roof is completed. In summary, the construction method is: high-altitude segmental assembly, overall unit sliding, and accumulation in place.