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What are the three major measures to prevent the collapse of the gas station space frame?

What are the three major measures to prevent the collapse of the gas station space frame?After the gas station space frame is built, if daily inspection measures are not carried out, it will cause the gas station space frame to collapse. So, how to prevent the collapse of the gas station space frame?

First, do daily inspections

1.The gas station must understand the safety precautions of the space frame,Conscientiously do a good job in the patrol inspection of the space frame and keep records, and the safety department and petrol station must be regularly  inspected for safety of the space frame. 

Key Inspection points: Whether there are abnormal noises in the space frame; Whether the space frame nodes and components are severely deformed or corroded; space frame nodes, components, whether there are cracks in the uprights and whether the foundation of the space frame uprights has subsided, etc., the problems found in the daily inspection should be reported to the company in time. 

2.For key monitoring stations such as hidden safety hazards and some acquisition stations, professional institutions shall be regularly commissioned to conduct professional inspections and establish technical files for the space frame.

3.In extreme weather conditions such as heavy rains, strong winds and heavy snow, for the more severely deformed and damaged space frame, it is necessary to organize personnel to conduct professional inspections immediately.

 Second, make emergency preparations

1.Gas stations should carry out emergency drills before heavy rains and snow in winter, and strengthen drill assessments.

2.Gas stations should be equipped with relevant safety warning signs, emergency rescue equipment and emergency supplies

Third, do a good job of early warning

Gas stations should pay close attention to changes in the weather, such as severe weather disasters such as strong winds, blizzards, etc., promptly start early warning procedures, temporarily suspend operations, evacuate station personnel, set up safety warning signs, and report to superiors in time.