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What is barrel vault space frame structure ?

Barrel vault Space frame structure

The barrel vault is the most straight forward single curvature shell construction. It is considered as the simplest form of a vault; effectively a series of arches placed side by side i.e. one after other.

There are two types of barrel vaults:

1.Large span barrel vaults are those vaults in which the span or width is over 60 meters
2.Short span barrel vaults are those vaults in which the span is shorter than 60 meters

Key advantages of Barrel Vault Space structures are:

1.Cost Effective: One of the greatest advantages of using space frames in Barrel Vaults is that it is comparatively cost effective.

2.Eco-friendly: These space frames are 100% recyclable. Therefore it is known to be eco-friendly.
3.Flexible Structure Design: It is one of the most flexible and sturdy structures used for constructing commercial buildings and residential properties.

4.Light Weight: Due to the uniform material load distribution spatially the Barrel Vault space structure is light-weight.

5.Accuracy in Installation: Another Important feature of using Space frame is that there is a high degree of accuracy in the process of designing and installation of a space frame.